
Baby Beau

October 14, 2017

Our little baby boy Beau arrived on the 18th of August at 09.44am. Two days after due date.  My labour turned out to be everything I didn’t wanted it to be.  Up until a couple of weeks ago I found it hard just thinking back at to when I was in labour but memory is a funny thing and the unpleasant feelings are fading. Within the next few days I  think I will write down my labour story while it is still somewhat fresh in my mind.

So, parenthood! Parents always say that children are a full time job! Since Beau arrived I can do nothing but agree. The 2980 gram heavy and 52 cm long baby boy that we took home from the hospital needs our attention and the warmth from our bodies 24/7.  We started parenthood while also preparing to move countries. I wouldn’t advise anyone to move countries with a newborn but I must say we managed it pretty well – probably because Kiwi was in charge of pretty much all admin. As we are now in Stockholm life has slowed down a bit and we have more time on our hands. Beau is 8 weeks old and we feel so incredibly blessed to have him in our lives. He is the most amazing little man and he makes our cheeks hurt from smiles and laughter every day. He loves to chat and be social and I have a feeling this blog will be packed with content of him. We love you so much little monkey man <3 xx

baby boy

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