
week 38

August 3, 2017

I just need to start off by saying – how on earth can there be a fully developed baby in there?? Yep, the baby is now completely ready to take on the outside world! How amazing is that!?

Yesterday we passed 38 weeks and every day I have to remind myself that we are getting one day closer to meet baby B. I’ve had no new pregnancy symptoms this past week which I’m very thankful for. Instead I’ve been feeling good and kept active. On my most active days I do need power naps though…well, I guess they are more like hour naps actually! Yesterday I did a total walk of 10 km and this morning I had a good bike session at the gym. Exercise is what’s keeping me sane while playing this waiting game, and I feel very thankful that my body still lets me be active.

During the past week we’ve also purchased all the items for the hospital bag. Thank God NHS gave us a list of what to bring. We would have been completely lost otherwise. The goal for the upcoming week is to ship off all the boxes we’ve standing here at home to make room for little B’s stuff. I’ve also learned that I need to wash all the new baby clothes and blankets (which seems so obvious now when I think about it) – I will add that to the list as another good “time-killer” project . xx

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  1. Hallå där, nu börjar det bli riktigt spännande. Födelsedagen närmar sig ju med stormsteg. Skönt att höra att du mår bra och att allt ser fint ut. Hälsa Kiwi! kraaam!

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